+ (416) 998-6161 | Mon – Fri 08:00am – 08:00pm | Email
Facility revenue audits begin with an “Operational Risk Assessment”. Once the O.R.A. is completed, it will be compared against best-practice revenue controls through comprehensive industry checks and balances. AuditPark will then complete a detailed Parking Operations Review (P.O.R.) Report that will highlight areas of lost or uncaptured parking revenue. The report will include revenue growth strategies as well as any unidentified revenue sources and/or cost cutting measures for your parking facility.
Environments with high volumes of cash handling, poor management practices and inadequate or outdated parking equipment can lead to undetected parking revenue “leakage” or “operator leniency”. By ensuring that best-practice reporting controls are in place AuditPark can provide detailed financial and operational protocols in revenue reporting that will ensure revenues are both accurate and maximized.